Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
How do you relax?
You won't see me doing 'nothing' very often. I guess it's the entreprenuerial spirit pecking away at my conscious. I feel guilty if I'm not doing something productive. At a push I might be able to manage an hour in front of the TV, but even then I get antsy, feeling the urge to flick through a book or capture the seed of an idea that's germinating in the mind compost.
What relaxes me the most though is spreading out painting materials and creating something from deep within me. Something unique and special. A piece of Lisa put on paper. Art is my drama and adventure. I assemble a cast of characters, design my sets and locations and write the script.
Next month I'll be at The Call of the Wild Soul retreat with other like-minded creatives. Oh how we will relax and rejuvenate. We will take our spa treatments dousing ourselves in paint and glue. Manicures become about picking acrylic from our fingernails and faces are massaged by the big grins we have plastered across them all day!
I'm pretty excited as you may have guessed. Then, just a few weeks after I return, I'm hosting my own! A day long artistic adventure to feed your inner Goddess in ways no creepy millionaire ever could (if you've read that book
It all takes place on Saturday 20th October at Highgate House in Creaton, Northamptonshire. It is going to be such fun! I can't wait!! Read all about it and book your place here. There are only 12 spots!
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Olympics for the right brain
Kat Copeland wins Gold in the women's lightweight double sculls
(the emotion in her eyes was something I just had to attempt to capture in a sketch)
Pink writes that as the number crunching and analysis is taken over by computing or cheaper overseas labour, it paves the way for those with stronger right brains whose inventiveness, empathy, creativity and pattern-forming crafting will be the foundations for success.
Some of us lean this way naturally, but the good news for all is that we have the tool we need to be in thick of the new world. It just needs a little exercise!
As I've watched Team GB rack up the medals in the last week or so (18 of them Gold at the last count!), I've heard tales of the dedication it takes to be a winner. It's all about practice and asking the right questions of yourself. Being creative is just like running, playing tennis or zipping around a velodrome. We get better at it the more we do it and the better we think and strategise.
I think that sometimes we pick up a paintbrush after years and get disheartened when we don't create a masterpiece with our first attempt. We forget that it's OK not to get things right first time and that failure is as much a part of practice as is repitition. It's how we learn and over time our failings develop more style, an extra edge until suddenly they aren't failings any longer.
Do you think about exercising those right brain muscles as much as you do other ones in your body?
A gold-medal-winning Olympic rower once told me that he and his team mates never stopped on their quest to improve - right up and even during to the final medal race. For Ben Hunt-Davis, it was all about making the boat go faster
So, how do you exercise your right brain? What questions should you be asking yourself? How can you test and strengthen your abilities?
For a start, just do something creative! Pick up a your nearest drawing instrument and doodle. Stick on some music and let your pen flow to the rhythm. Try looking at every day things a bit differently. Look for shapes in the clouds or puddles on the road. Let your right brain absorb what it sees and make the kinds of connections that maybe you're just not expecting.
Me and Ben Hart-Davis (I'm the shorter one on the right!). Ben won gold at Sydney in the men's 8 rowing.
And, yes, I am holding the Olympic torch in one hand a gold medal in the other... not bad for a rainy day out in Birmingham!
"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it,
bearing within him the image of a cathedral."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Monday, 6 August 2012
Summer news
When you start getting questions about when you're running your next course, you know it's about time you did!
The good news is, that after the success of my first eCourse where I took my students on a crazy journey to find inspiration in its favourite hideouts (namely the recesses of the right brain), I am going to do another! No firm date yet, but I'm provisionally planning to start mid to late September.
Right now I am honing the content to make it fuller, richer and lovelier than ever. The goal is to fill your right brains with stories, connecting patterns and colour. We will play with our muses and imagination to create work that is all our own, that comes from the soul.
We'll flip the hidden switch in your brain that opens the creative floodgates.
Watch this space... If you'd like to be on my mailing list, please add your details here!
Grab a seed and come float with me
while we explore the places we might take root.
while we explore the places we might take root.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Lessons from geese
Our feathered friends bring inspiration today.
This is an interesting piece of work based on the work of Milton Olson. I stumbled across it again today by accident and it resonated so strongly with what I'm doing here at The Wright Brain Stuff that I just had to share it.
What we can learn from geese:
Fact 1
As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds that follow. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock has 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.
As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds that follow. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock has 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.
People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are travelling on the thrust of each other. Taking lessons together and sharing your experiences and work offers just the support that many need to take them from 'thinking about' to actually 'doing'.
Fact 2
When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front of it.
People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are travelling on the thrust of each other. Taking lessons together and sharing your experiences and work offers just the support that many need to take them from 'thinking about' to actually 'doing'.
Fact 2
When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front of it.
If we have as much sense as a goose, we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others.
Fact 3
When the lead bird tires, it rotates back into the formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front of it.
It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. As with geese, people are interdependent on each other’s skills, capabilities, and unique arrangement of gifts, talents, or resources. In other words, the teacher doesn't always know everything! We learn from each other.
Fact 4
The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. As with geese, people are interdependent on each other’s skills, capabilities, and unique arrangement of gifts, talents, or resources. In other words, the teacher doesn't always know everything! We learn from each other.
Fact 4
The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups where there is encouragement, the production is much greater. The power of encouragement (to stand by one’s heart or core values and to encourage the heart and core values of others) is the quality of honking we seek.
Fact 5
When a goose gets sick, wounded, or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then, they launch out with another formation to catch up with the flock.
We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups where there is encouragement, the production is much greater. The power of encouragement (to stand by one’s heart or core values and to encourage the heart and core values of others) is the quality of honking we seek.
Fact 5
When a goose gets sick, wounded, or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then, they launch out with another formation to catch up with the flock.
We all have tough days. We will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we’re strong.
That’s exactly what this business is about. I'm building a flock to give you all extra uplift. You don’t need to fly alone. Between us we’ve got some very specialised geese here – that will not only keep you moving forward but ensure that you’re in the best shape to take advantage of current conditions.
I love getting under the skin of my students and delivering that little bit extra which makes all the difference – sometimes it might just be a cheerful honk!
With my range of techniques, expertise and over-excited enthusiasm, I'll pick you up and keep you flying!
Note 1: Lessons from Geese was transcribed from a speech given by Angeles Arien at the 1991 Organizational Development Network. It was based on the work of Milton Olson. It circulated to Outward Bound staff throughout the United States.
Note 2: The artwork was created using a textured background I'd made 'earlier' and then using a variety of bird brushes in PhotoShop. I like to think of the piece as a mixture of flying in formation and then just soaring with joy on the thermals!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Shifting sands
"Despite current ads and slogans, the world doesn't change one person at a time. It changes when networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what's possible. This is good news for those of us intent on creating a positive future. Rather than worry about critical mass, our work is to foster critical connections. We don't need to convince large numbers of people to change; instead, we need to connect with kindred spirits. Through these relationships, we will develop the new knowledge, practices, courage and commitment that lead to broad-based change."
Margaret Wheatley
This is a wonderful quote by business guru Margaret Wheatley.
She preaches of the pitfalls of the ‘same old, but better’ techniques employed by many companies when planning their business. What’s missing, she suggests is room for a creative approach, something to shake up the entrenched thinking. It’s about doing the ‘unthinkable’, being brave enough to step outside our conventional ways of working.
This is the kind of thinking that gets me out of bed in the morning! As right-side of brain creative thinker, I feel particularly uncomfortable with the same old, same old – particularly when it is linked with death by PowerPoint presentations – where better means more slides; or creating brochures just because you feel like you should have one.
We are no longer playing by the same rules. When I began my career in the early 1990s, if I’d come across an interesting quote by Margaret Wheatley, I would have needed some serious intent to go and research about her. Today, having stumbled upon her completely by accident, sitting in the comfort of my own home, I was then reading her articles within seconds. The world shifts. Economies shift. Business shifts. Employee relationships shift.
Scientists concur that the only building block in life is relationships. How well do you understand the relationships, or tribes where you work? What social networks are building behind your back? Is your marketing and sales strategy just trying to make an old strategy better? Is it time for a fresh approach?
Have a think about it!
Monday, 14 May 2012
It's not too late
Once upon a time, there was a creative soul who sat day after day, night after night pouring her soul forth into her art and writing. She believed in the power of creativity and took trips with her Muse into the deepest secrets of her imagination. It was such a wonderful place that she wanted to share it with others, so she began to write the words that would map out a journey into the creative soul via the right side of the brain - where the magic happens. Today the first of her students are rising to flex their creative muscles, load up their joy in experimentation and most certainly leave behind any self-doubt
What to expect
This course is not an instructional 'copy what I do' course. I won't show you how to paint or write like me. What I will do is guide you through a series of exercises and teach you techniques to find your own creativity. I want to you to be surprised by what you find.
I'm giving all my students top marks from the start - because they all deserve it. They are here to open up their hearts to possibility. We will banish the 'can't do that demons' to the abyss where they belong. We will draw, paint, write, photograph - whatever our creative Muse wants to do; but at the same time if you just want to paint or write, then that's fine.
We are looking a different ways to find inspiration, to see what's before you and to express yourself.
It's not always going to be easy. At times students may find all they have created is a mess, but that's where the learning really starts - where's the fun in getting it right first time? We will also be working through these exercises collectively and sharing (if we wish) through our group. We will support each other on this creative journey as we find our own Muse and develops different styles. We will start to realise that the mess was just the starting point!
This course is for anybody that wants to try something new and challenging, who dares to be different and who wants creativity bursting into bloom from every pore!
I'm giving all my students top marks from the start - because they all deserve it. They are here to open up their hearts to possibility. We will banish the 'can't do that demons' to the abyss where they belong. We will draw, paint, write, photograph - whatever our creative Muse wants to do; but at the same time if you just want to paint or write, then that's fine.
We are looking a different ways to find inspiration, to see what's before you and to express yourself.
It's not always going to be easy. At times students may find all they have created is a mess, but that's where the learning really starts - where's the fun in getting it right first time? We will also be working through these exercises collectively and sharing (if we wish) through our group. We will support each other on this creative journey as we find our own Muse and develops different styles. We will start to realise that the mess was just the starting point!
This course is for anybody that wants to try something new and challenging, who dares to be different and who wants creativity bursting into bloom from every pore!
The guarantee
Why not try it and see if you like it. I will offer full refund to anyone who doesn't believe it is helping them dig deep into their creativity by the end of week 4 - can't say fairer than that!
More information available on this page - including the all important sign me up button. What's stopping you?
Take the leap with me (don't worry, I'm holding your hand very tightly and will be with you all the way!).
More information available on this page - including the all important sign me up button. What's stopping you?
Take the leap with me (don't worry, I'm holding your hand very tightly and will be with you all the way!).
Saturday, 12 May 2012
And it turned out to be...
Drum roll... the mystery ingredients were actually fairly tame for me.
I pre-heated my oven to 200 degress centrigrade, then greased and lined a 12" cake tin. These had nothing to do with the mess I was about to make, but I'm on a diet and acting out making cake helps with the craving.
Next I spread some lovely and thick PVA glue over my page, trying to completely cover the large Question Mark sitting in the middle (that looks like gauze, but isn't). I sprinkled over a light mixture of salt and sugar. This makes interesting dents in the glue and looks like the surface of the moon.
This seemed a little mundane. It needed a certain something... I hit upon it at last. Bicarbonate of soda - it reacts with vinegar, I wonder what happens when it comes into contact with PVA? The answer was not much, so I sprayed a touch of water on which made a bit of fizz.
Once the whole concoction was nice and dry - having spent a cosy evening in the airing cupboard - I drizzled over a heady mix of alcohol inks which slipped over the glue and sank into the sandy texture. Lovely!
Can you imagine a whole painting completed in this method! My mouth is watering at just the thought. I see am abstract bunch of tropical flowers dripping with hummingbirds.
Well onto yesterday's competition. Nobody guessed quite exactly right (frankly, I'm not surprised!). So I went for 'nearest the bull'. Congratulations Giggles - you win a place on my course which starts on Monday! I'll be in touch by email.
I pre-heated my oven to 200 degress centrigrade, then greased and lined a 12" cake tin. These had nothing to do with the mess I was about to make, but I'm on a diet and acting out making cake helps with the craving.
Next I spread some lovely and thick PVA glue over my page, trying to completely cover the large Question Mark sitting in the middle (that looks like gauze, but isn't). I sprinkled over a light mixture of salt and sugar. This makes interesting dents in the glue and looks like the surface of the moon.
This seemed a little mundane. It needed a certain something... I hit upon it at last. Bicarbonate of soda - it reacts with vinegar, I wonder what happens when it comes into contact with PVA? The answer was not much, so I sprayed a touch of water on which made a bit of fizz.
Once the whole concoction was nice and dry - having spent a cosy evening in the airing cupboard - I drizzled over a heady mix of alcohol inks which slipped over the glue and sank into the sandy texture. Lovely!
Can you imagine a whole painting completed in this method! My mouth is watering at just the thought. I see am abstract bunch of tropical flowers dripping with hummingbirds.
Well onto yesterday's competition. Nobody guessed quite exactly right (frankly, I'm not surprised!). So I went for 'nearest the bull'. Congratulations Giggles - you win a place on my course which starts on Monday! I'll be in touch by email.
Friday, 11 May 2012
What on earth is this?
It's not often I go a week without blogging and I am sorely missing the opportunity to scribble and share. However, with just a few days to go until my eCourse starts and plenty of other work and commitments then something had to give.
I've come up with some great posts while in the car, but the witty gems just didn't want to come back to me once I was in front of a keyboard. I've also been hitting the gym!
One of my 'other commitments' has been the Messy Book Group where we continue to experiment and push the boundaries of what the uninitiated might call chaos, but we call art. This week has seen car tyres painted brightly and then driven over the book, a snake persuaded to make mud paintings and some mysteries involving unknown substances.
I'm in the unknown substance camp. What on earth do think I used to make these interesting textures and patterns?
Anyone that guesses correctly goes in the draw to win a free place on my creativity course which starts on Monday. There are five 'components' to guess! I'll pick tomorrow morning (UK time 9am-ish... it's Saturday.... I might sleep late...).
If you don't win, fear not. For just £42 (that's around US$67), you could join us on an 8 week playful journey to the island of Inspiration, on the trail of Technique with the excitement of Experimentation! We will be making art, writing magical prose and generally having a picnic of a time.
(Forgive the shameless plug... I'm just excited to be doing this at last and am a gregarious soul, so would love lots more people to join those already signed up!).
Hmm.... What can they be?
Sharing for Paint Party Friday.
PS - Just realised I published this in the wrong blog - meant to put it in my usual one... Oh well... never mind!
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Sample lesson content
Shoes by Irregular Choice
If you're wondering what the content of my eCourse might be like, then wonder no more. Here's some content from a typical week where we'll be exploring how to try on inspiration until we find the size that fits.... You might also like to look at my previous post, another example of the type of content I'll cover where I'll introduce you to the work of other artists and demonstrate how you can take their techniques and make them your own.
We'll share our work and inspire each other into new directions too. I want to gently push you into expanding your creativity and teach you how to find little tendrils of inspiration that pull you into their story and beg you to tell it...
Stories from Shoes
What do you see when you look at these shoes? Now don't go moaning that you're a bloke and what do you care about shoes, or that you wouldn't be seen dead in anything so outlandish. Keep looking, then listen to the voice in your head. What does it see? What does it hear?
I have conjured up fairy tale castles filled with adventure. Dainty ladies wearing their hair too high for battling dragons bent on destruction.... Is that a ring tied into the bow? So, that's where she hid it!
I see turquoise oceans; I feel aching feet that aren't used to heels; I smell the Chinese sweat shop where each tiny flower is hand sewn for a pittance as Wai wonders how she will hide her bulging belly from her employer. I hear music that makes my toes tap and, looking down, notice the beer splashes on my pretty ribbons and wonder if they'll wash...
These are not shoes. These are whimsical paintings of a Princess, dance music, contemporary poetry. These are a written outpouring of shoe envy or a lament at the heel height of 2012 fashion. These are colour, shade and story.
Your challenge is to look deeper into this picture than just the footwear and let your Muse whisper their creative longings.
There's a story for everyone in this fancy pair of turquoise party slippers. Will yours be painted, written or photographed.
Close your eyes and let you imagination wander.... but if you're still looking at a blank page, then try on a few of these:
- Sketch your ideal pair of shoes - total fantasy - if you want wheels, you've got them; if they need rocket launchers or 500 buttons, then they're yours! What materials will you use? When will you wear them and with what... and who...?
- Write about your favourite pair of shoes. Do you still own them? What make them so special? Put yourself in 'their shoes'.... What stories could they tell about you? What do they think of you?
- Quickly scribble a list of words associated with footwear and then compose a poem using every single one of them.
- These shoes are very different and will most certainly make their owner stand out. Why might they want to do that? What does the rest of their outfit look like? Where are they going and why?
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Pretty Flamingo

There's a method to the madness... I'm experimenting. This week I was inspired by the work of Lawrence Yang who I 'stumbled upon'...
His bio reads:
Lawrence Yang wrestles with informational
abstractions by day and paints by night. Influenced by graffiti art and
traditional Chinese painting, he employs ink, marker, and watercolor, as the
permanence of this media adds a sense of immediacy to his work. Lawrence's
paintings make use of color to communicate atmosphere and emotion, and they are
concerned primarily with creating order out of chaos (and vice versa).
Lawrence Yang
Lawrence Yang
He's seeing dimension in drip and dribble, substance in splatter... and little birdies and teddy bears in ... well ... maybe we shouldn't go there...
I took my own interpretation of his technique and, because I was wearing my best clothes at the time and didn't want to ruin them, printed out some splatter work I had 'prepared earlier' (just like Delia Smith). It was just some pink dribbles really with a random blog of green. It immediately spoke to me. In fact, truth be told, it sang.... 'pretty flamingo'. It sang it a lot... until I got really annoyed...
Anyway, we ended up with three pretty flamingos and one green bug. I was quite pleased that Manfred Mann hadn't recorded any songs about green bugs.
If you're interested in exploring new techniques (and getting annoying songs stuck in your head), then this is just the kind of thing we'll be doing on my Inspirational eCourse (shameless plug!). It starts on May 14th.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Group Working
I was given the book we're using for the book group - Mess: A Manual of Accidents and Mistakes - last autumn. It was a prize from another course. I was so excited when it arrived, having enjoyed a whale of a time with one of Keri's other destruction projects - Wreck this Journal. Somehow though, I just couldn't get into it. I put some attempt into a few pages, but something was missing...
Clarity finally dawned - making a mess is never as much fun on your own as with a group... especially when you need some encouragement and permission to start to let go. The Messy Book Group was born!
The last few weeks my messy band have been making tentative steps towards total abandon. Many of us are taking a leap into unknown territory. We're finding a side to our creativity we never knew existed or had packed away along with childhood toys.
Mess or the place where the Dragon shed its skin?
Already some of us have been labelled as the local eccentrics as we leap about in mud and then dance over our artwork. Family members have questioned our sanity or written letters to The Times in distress over our wanton destruction of the bound page.
Yet, in amongst the mess, we are finding tiny treasures ready to seed and bloom into something altogether special. We are opening our minds and muses to possibility. As we enjoy the very act of creation with little heed to any final outcome we are more often than not surprising ourselves along the way.
The right sides of our brains are wide awake and laughing with glee as they connect the dots, splodges and sticky patches to find new meaning. It's a crazy adventure and we're enjoying the ride!
Finding the composition after the fact!
It is never too late to join the party. We're sharing our accidents and improvisation on the **FREE** Book Group blog page and throwing ideas and caution to the wind in our Facebook Group.
If you're wondering how this fits with the eCourse or indeed, just what that's all about. Well, it will more of the same with a dose of more prescribed material. We'll be learning where to find inspiration and stretching our right brains. We'll be telling stories in words and pictures and finding new meaning in the mundane. We'll look at the work of other artists and see how they can inspire us to take our own creative path.
It all starts on Monday 14th May. The clock is ticking... Tick Tock... Sign up here.
The Guarantee
…If after the first half of the course, you don’t feel
inspired to create, then I will offer your money back, no quibble.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Take the leap
Photo by The Garden Nymph
Are you feeling brave? Dare you step through this portal? What lies beyond the floral chandelier? What hides in the blue mist. Is it safe? Are there monsters or fairies? Is it perhaps a gentle Arcadia or will you set boulders rumbling?
Shall I let you into a little secret? I know what's in there... It's the gateway to your imagination. Through there lies paintings, poems and prose... The archways lead you to where your Muse lies waiting to guide you on an adventure through your creativity.
How about you share your stories and art with me in the comments here? Where would you like this particular portal to take you today?
If you enjoy adventures like this, then join me on my inspirational eCourse where we'll step into the realm of our imagination for an 8 week magical mystery tour.
This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!" thought Lucy, going still further in and pushing the soft folds of the coats aside to make room for her. Then she noticed that there was something crunching under her feet. "I wonder is that more moth balls?" she thought, stooping down to feel it with her hands. But instead of feeling the hard, smooth wood of the floor of the wardrobe, she felt something soft and powdery and extremely cold. "This is very queer," she said, and went on a step or two further.
CS Lewis
Just imagine if Lucy had been too scared to take those steps... I don't think her story would be half so interesting... do you?
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Continuous improvement
I'm reading Start It Up: Why Running Your Own Business is Easier Than You Think
by serial entrepreneur Luke Johnson. He shares that when he launched the pizza chain Strada, he really wasn't doing anything new. Pizza chains are, after all, ten a penny. However, he added a little drop of something extra that was unique to his business. It was as simple as placing a free bottle of mineral water on his diners' tables. Nobody else was doing it. He stood out.
Launching a creative eCourse is certainly nothing new. However, most tend to focus on one aspect. I'm hoping that my differentiator will be to inspire my tribe to tap into the broader range of creativity that goes further than just sharing my creative process with others. Discovering my Muse was like finding a long-lost friend. She is an integral part of what makes 'Lisa' and pushes me to experiment and discover.
One thing I've learned about her though is that she thrives in company. With every course we have taken together we have bloomed - poetry in motion. We have found strength in each other and nurtured the magic that creativity gives.
The urge to share this sparkle with others pushed us to create this business and this course. We hope you'll follow your own calling and join us.
Launching a creative eCourse is certainly nothing new. However, most tend to focus on one aspect. I'm hoping that my differentiator will be to inspire my tribe to tap into the broader range of creativity that goes further than just sharing my creative process with others. Discovering my Muse was like finding a long-lost friend. She is an integral part of what makes 'Lisa' and pushes me to experiment and discover.
One thing I've learned about her though is that she thrives in company. With every course we have taken together we have bloomed - poetry in motion. We have found strength in each other and nurtured the magic that creativity gives.
The urge to share this sparkle with others pushed us to create this business and this course. We hope you'll follow your own calling and join us.
"Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified."
Samuel Johnson
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
A messy book group
Three summers ago I joined a group that helped change my life. I know that sounds a bit far fetched - and you'll be even more dubious when I tell you what the book was - but it's the truth. It awoke something inside me that had been lying dormant for a very long time.
The book was Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy
by Keri Smith and the group was run by coach Jamie of Jamie Ridler Studios. Over the summer of 2009 around 40 of us destroyed our journals in the most creative ways imaginable and underwent a transformation. Suddenly we realised that art did not have to be about carefully positioned paint or strategically structured design. Art could be the messy stain left over after you squashed your spaghetti between the pages of the book. Art was words, dirt, stickers, fluff. Creativity was burning, cutting, smearing. Supplies were everywhere - from the long forgotten impulse buys from the craft shop to flora and fauna or even your own hair picked up off the floor of the salon!
We mixed in some guts and a whole heap of fun and just let go. Our Muses were given free rein and they loved it! We shared our wrecking each week on Jamie's blog and inspired each other to be more revolutionary, daring and downright dastardly to our books.
Our friends and families, at first bemused, began to join in too. By the end of our adventure we each held something really special. I for one, was truly inspired. I knew that from that day forward, my house would never again be tidy and nor would I ever be far from a tube of paint. Magic had happened!
. Every week we can return here and share our creative adventures, inspiring each other onto more daring devilment with every page.
Are you in?
Sign up below. All you need to play is your imagination, somewhere to post your week's mess and plenty of wild, crazy abandon! Let's start sharing our first forays into letting loose on Friday 6th April - I'll create us a separate blog so we can keep all posts together, but you'll find the link to it here. I'll make us a badge too - but do spread the word Tweet: Join the Wright Brainers for a Messy Book Club
Buy your copy
Three summers ago I joined a group that helped change my life. I know that sounds a bit far fetched - and you'll be even more dubious when I tell you what the book was - but it's the truth. It awoke something inside me that had been lying dormant for a very long time.
- Does that sound good to you?
- Do you fancy quite literally letting rip?
- Want your creativity to be let loose to have a mash up with your Muse?
Sign up below. All you need to play is your imagination, somewhere to post your week's mess and plenty of wild, crazy abandon! Let's start sharing our first forays into letting loose on Friday 6th April - I'll create us a separate blog so we can keep all posts together, but you'll find the link to it here. I'll make us a badge too - but do spread the word Tweet: Join the Wright Brainers for a Messy Book Club
Buy your copy
Monday, 26 March 2012
Dream a little dream
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman
One of my corporate clients describes me as their Head Dreamer. I rather love this job title - especially as it comes from what you might expect to be the left-brained world of IT Hosting. It turns out that Rackspace is anything but left-brained.... but that's a whole new blog post!
I have a dream where I can share my love of words and art, my overflowing pot of creativity with a tribe of like-minded souls. I have a dream where I'll bring that community together and share my passion for prose and picture.
I have a dream where I will inspire and make magic.
Yesterday I launched my dream to the world and was overwhelmed by the positive response shared in the comments on this site. Feedback is fuel for my artistic soul and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Something by way of an introduction
The last few years have changed my life. I went through a very difficult patch leading up to a marriage separation and divorce. It was a struggle to find the person I used to be.
Then I started a blog and picked up a paintbrush and things have never been the same since!
In 2012 I finally have the confidence to call myself Writer & Artist. I blog, I paint and above all I earn my living by the craft of running words across pages and allowing them to conjure story, idea and emotion in the hearts and souls of my readers.
Along the way I have made friends across all four metaphorical corners of the globe. I’ve taken courses, read books, practiced, learned, refined and stretched my mind. I’ve found my tribe.
I’ve run my own consulting business for over two years bringing my unique blend of both common and un-common sense, motivational experience, communication talents and wacky sense of humour into the corporate workplace. I love what I do, and this part of my business remains firmly in my future. But hey, whoever said we couldn’t have two jobs?
Take a look at my blog and you’ll see a diverse and creative mind. I have always allowed myself the freedom to have a go at everything. When I was younger I’d find myself half way up a rock face or slapping face down into the sea after a water skiing wipe out. I would try anything, sometimes putting myself through water inhaling and vertigo torture several times before I’d decide it wasn’t quite for me!
I’ve taken the same approach to my creativity. One day you’ll find me painting a landscape without a brush, the next I’ll be crafting a portrait with pencil or layering up digital images. I find and take inspiration from everywhere. Sometimes my mind feels so full of the stuff that it hurts. My brain bulges.
This is where you come in. I want to share some of this inspiration with my tribe. I want to share some of what I’ve learned and what goes on inside this head of mine. My Muse in particular is most keen to get out and meet you all. She is full of surprises.
I've dreamed of this moment for a very long time. I am thrilled to finally launch my eCourse - The Wright Brain Stuff. Will you join the creative adventure?
I've dreamed of this moment for a very long time. I am thrilled to finally launch my eCourse - The Wright Brain Stuff. Will you join the creative adventure?
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Badges and Buttons
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